jueves, 19 de marzo de 2009

UNIT 2- New Proficiency Gold Course Book

Learning for life


1) Which of the following features do you associate with a) a traditional approach to education b) a more ‘progressive’ approach?

• choice of subjects
• questioning ideas
• written examinations
• continuous assessment
• individual assignments
• collaborative activities
• mixed-ability classes
• fixed curriculum
• streaming
• rote learning

Which have been features of schools you have attended?

2) The following extracts from job advertisements mention qualities which are often required in the modern working environment. Which qualities do you think are developed by schools? Which are not developed? Which of the features listed in Exercise 1 are most likely to encourage these qualities?

must be self-motivated and able to work independently

should possess well-developed leadership and communication skills

understanding of and empathy with other cultures

you will be a reliable team player with sound commercial judgement

excellent time management skills and attention to detail

good analytical ability is essential for success in this role

Paper 1, Part 4

1) The following text is taken from a book by Charles Handy, an educator with many years’ experience in business and public services, who has written extensively on the role of business in modern society.

In this extract evaluates how useful his own education was a preparation for the world of work. Read paragraphs 1, 5 and 6 quickly. Does the writer think his own education was useful preparation for work? What does he say about the present situation?


1 I left school and university with my head packed full of knowledge; enough of it, anyway, to pass all the examinations that were put in my path. As a well-educated man I rather expected my work to be a piece of cake, something at which my intellect would allow me to excel without undue effort. It came as something of a shock, therefore, to encounter the world outside for the first time, and to realize that I was woefully ill-equipped, not only for the necessary business of earning a living, but, more importantly, for coping with all the new decisions which came my way, in both life and work. My first employers put it rather well: ‘You have a well-trained but empty mind,’ they told me, ‘which we will now try to fill with something useful, but don’t imagine that you will be of any real value to us for the first ten year.’ I was fortunate to have lighted upon an employer prepared to invest so much time in what was, in effect, my real education and I shall always feel guilty that I left them when the ten years were up.
2 A well-trained mind is not to be sneezed at, but I was soon to discover that my mind had been trained to deal with closed problems, whereas most of what I now had to deal with were open-ended problems. ‘What is the cost of sales?’ is a closed problem, one with a right or a wrong answer. ‘What should we do about it?’ is and open problem, one with any number of possible answers, and I had no experience of taking this type of decision. Knowing the right answer to a question, I came to realize, was not the same as making a difference to a situation, which was what I was supposed to be paid for. Worst of all, the real open-ended question – ‘What is all this in aid of?’ was beginning to nudge at my mind.
3 I had been educated in an individualist culture. My scores were mine. No one else into it, except as competitors in some imagines race. I was on my own in the learning game at school and university. Not so in my work, I soon realized. Being an individual star would not help me there if it was in my failing group. Our destinies were linked, which meant that my co-workers were now colleagues, not competitors. Teams were something I had encountered on the sports field, not in the classroom. They were in the box marked ‘fun’ in my mind, not the ones marked ‘work’ or even ‘life’. My new challenge, I discovered, was to merge these three boxes. I had discovered, rather later than most, the necessity of others. It was the start of my real education.
4 ‘So you’re a university graduate are you?’ said my new Sale Manager. ‘In classics, is it? I don’t think that is going to impress our Chinese salesmen! How do you propose to win their respect since you will be in charge of some of them very shortly?’ Another open-ended problem! I had never before been thrust among people very different from me, with different values and assumptions about the way the world worked, or should work. I had not even met anyone more than two years older, except for relatives and teachers. Cultural exploration was a process unknown to me, and I was not accustomed to being regarded as stupid and ignorant, which I undoubtedly was, in all the things that mattered in their world.
5 My education, I decided then, had been positively disabling. So much of the content of what I had learned was irrelevant, while the process of learning it had cultivated a set of attitudes and behaviors which were directly opposed to what seemed to be needed in real life. Although I had studied philosophy I hadn’t applied it to myself. I had assumed that the point of life was obvious: to get on, get rich, get a wife and the get a family. It was beginning to be clear that life wasn’t as simple as that. What I believed in, what I thought was worth working for, and with whom, these things were becoming important. So was my worry about what I personally could contribute that might not only earn me money but also make a useful contribution somewhere.
6 It would be nice to think that this sort of experience could not happen now, that our schools, today, prepare people better for life and for the work which is so crucial to a satisfactory life. But I doubt it. The subjects may appear to be a little more relevant, but we are still left to learn about work at work, and about life by living it. That will always be true, but we could, I believe, do more to make sure that the process of education had more in common with the processes of living and working as they are today, so that the shock of reality is less cruel.

2) It is important to have an overall idea of the organization of the text and its main message before looking at the details.

Match the following main topics to the numbered paragraphs of the text. Then underline the phrase or sentence in that paragraph which answers the question below.

Personal conclusions (para. …………)
What was the writer’s main conclusion about his education?

Initial expectations of work (para. …………)
What were the writer’s initial expectations of how he would cope at work?

Relevance to today’s educational systems (para. …………)
To what extent does the writer think that things are better today?

Broadening awareness of other cultures (para. …………)
In what ways were the people the writer worked with different from the people he had been educated with?

Dealing with problems and making decision (para. …………)
What were the differences between the types of problem he had to deal with in education and at work?

Attitudes to colleagues (para. …………)
What difference did the writer find between his relationships at school and at work?

3) Now answer the multiple-choice questions below. Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

1 When the writer left university, he expected to succeed by
A using the qualities his education had developed.
B gaining further qualification.
C developing his decision-making skills.
D acquiring relevant skills in his place of work.

2 He feels he treated his first employers badly because he did not
A give them a true idea of his strengths and weaknesses.
B contribute to the company financially.
C repay them fully for the help they gave him.
D stay with them any longer than he was obliged to.

3 He found that he needed to re-evaluate his approach at work because he
A was asking the wrong types of question.
B had been trained to deal with problems in the wrong way.
C met new kinds of problems in his working life.
D was dealing primarily with moral problems.

4 What was one of the first things he learned at work?
A that he could no always be first
B that other people were willing to help him
C the importance of having leisure interests outside his work
D the link between team sport and work

5 He realized that he lacked understanding of other cultures when he
A had to work with people who had different values.
B had to work outside his own country.
C realized that his subordinates did nor respect him.
D found that his qualifications were not relevant.

6 What was the writer’s main conclusion about his education?
A It had taught him to value money too much.
B It had been much too theoretical to be of any use.
C It had been not just useless, but actually harmful.
D It had taught him that life was not simples.

7 The writer feels that nowadays
A life is changing so fast that schools can never prepare for it.
B the way in which students are taught to think should be re-examined.
C the content of syllabuses should be brought fully up-to-date.
D educational reforms have bridged the gap between school and work.

4) How do you think Charles Handy’s education could have prepared him more effectively for his working life? Using information from the text, discuss whether and so what extent the following suggestions would have helped him. Give reasons for your decisions.

• more vocational or practical subjects (give examples)
• compulsory involvement in competitive team sports
• school trips and exchange visits to other countries
• more cross-curricular projects
• work experience placements

Can you add any more suggestions to the list?

Language Focus: Vocabulary

Context and style

1) You will often find clues to the meaning of difficult words and expressions with the txt itself. Find the following expressions in the text on pages 24-25 and use the context to work out what they mean. Which expressions are formal and which are informal?

1 a piece of cake (para. 1)
(CLUE: The following words explain the meaning of this idiom in relation to the topic.)

2 excel (para. 1)
(CLUE: This is a verb related to the adjective ‘excellent’.)

3 encounter (paras. 1 and 3)
(CLUE: Use both contexts to work out the meaning.)

4 closed problems/open problems (para. 2)
(CLUE: The text goes on to give examples and explanations.)

5 nudge (para. 2)
(CLUE: This is a verb usually meaning ‘to give a gentle push’. Here it is used metaphorically.)

6 merge (para 3)
(CLUE: Look back at the previous two sentences.)

7 thrust (para. 4)
(CLUE: A passive verb followed by ‘among people’.)

8 undoubtedly (para. 4)
(CLUE: Word formation: an adverb formed from the root ‘doubt’ and a negative prefix.)

9 cultivated (para. 5)
(CLUE: A verb usually used about farming or gardening. Here it is used metaphorically.)

10 crucial (para. 6)
(CLUE: The immediate context.)

2) Like much written English, the text on pages 24-25 contains a mixture of formal and semi-formal or even informal language. The following sentences are written in neutral language. Re-express them using a phrase from the text to replace the words in italics. Which of the expressions from the text are typical of formal language? Which are informal or idiomatic?

1 He therefore felt that starting work would be very easy for him.
2 He thought that he would succeed in business without needing to work hard.
3 The hard reality of the business world was quite a surprise to him.
4 He realized that he was not adequately trained for the demands of the business world.
5 He still felt that a well-trained mind could be useful, but that it was not enough for the world of work.
6 He had been trained specifically to deal with closed problem but now he needed to solve open-ended problems.
7 He felt unhappy and asked himself the question, ‘What is the purpose of all this effort?’
8 He had previously only met the idea of being part of a team when he played sports.
9 He also knew nothing about finding out about other cultures.
10 He had assumed that the point of work was to become wealthy, but began to question this philosophy.

3) The text on pages 24-25 contains fewer phrasal verbs than would be found in a more informal written text or spoken language.

Try to think of verbs or phrases with similar meanings to the ones below. Then check your answers with the text.

non-phrasal verb phrasal verb/expression
found (by chance) (1) …………
(2) ………… went away
(3) ………… find out
solve (4) …………
was involved (5) …………
(6) ………… had come across
(7) ………… join together
(8) ………… go over well with
(9) ………… built up
succeed (10) …………

Language Focus: Grammar

Conditionals (1) + wishes and preferences

1) Conditionals: review of basic patterns
1 Read through the text below, then complete it using the verbs in brackets.

My father’s job took him all over the world, so I was sent to a boarding school from the age of eight to 18. Looking back on it now, I think I (1) ………… (be) happier, and maybe better educated, if instead of sending me away, my parents (2) ………… (keep) me with them during those years and (3) ………… (send) me to local schools in the countries they were living in. But they did it for the best.
Now I’m trying to decide on my own career. I’d really like a job that involves travelling, and I’ve applied for two so far. The first one’s in South America – I don’t think I’ll get it though. If I (4) ………… (know) some Spanish or Portuguese, I (5) ………… (probably have) a better chance, but we only did French at school. The second job’s in Australia so there isn’t a language problem, and the salary’s fantastic! I’m on the short-list, so things look hopeful. If I (6) ………… (get) it, I (7) ………… (have) to sign a five-year contract, but that doesn’t really worry me. After all, I suppose that if you (8) ………… (want) a good job, you (9) ………… (have) to be prepared to commit yourself.

2 Find examples in the text above of conditional structures related to:

• something regarded as a general truth
• a future situation seen as likely to occur
• a hypothetical situation in the present or future
• a hypothetical situation in the past.

 Grammar reference p. 211

3 Work in pairs. Complete these sentences, then compare your sentences with your partner. Have you used the right tenses?

1 If you want to get a job in my country, …
2 … unless I get my work finished tonight.
3 If I had the chance to go abroad to study, I …
4 I’d never have chosen to study … if …
5 My parents used to let me … as long as …
6 We might find English easier if …

2) wish/if only

We use wish to express a desire for something to be different, from reality, so the tenses used after wish are similar to the ones used in the if-clause of hypothetical conditions.

1 Work with a partner. Underline the correct alternative in the following sentences.

1 I wish I’d had/I had the chance to do more sport when I was at school.
2 I wish our school offered/offers more vocational subjects. I’d like to take Information Technology.
3 I wish success doesn’t/didn’t depend so much on exam results.
4 I wish we could/can go on more school trips abroad.
5 I wish the authorities will/would do something to reduce class sizes.
6 I wish we weren’t getting/didn’t get the exam results tomorrow! I’m really nervous.

2 Now answer the following questions.

1 What verb form is used after wish when the statement refers to a) the past? b) the present of the future?
2 Re-express sentences 1-6 above using if only. Does the grammatical pattern change? Is there a difference in meaning? Which expression is more emphatic? Which is more appropriate to the context?

3 Read these sentences. Which example in each set is wrong Cross it out. Which rule below applies in each case?

1 a) I wish you would stop smoking so much.
b) I wish I would stop smoking so much.
c) I wish I could stop smoking so much.
d) I wish I didn’t smoke so much.

2 a) I wish they would give us a holiday!
b) I wish you liked me.
c) I wish you would like me.

• We can’t use would with verbs that describe a state.
• We can’t use would when we ourselves are the subject. We have to use could or a past form.

4 Compare these examples. What is the difference in meaning between wish and hope?

1 I wish the authorities would revise the curriculum.
2 I wished the authorities would revise the curriculum.
3 I hope the authorities will revise the curriculum.
4 I hoped the authorities would revise the curriculum.

 Grammar reference p. 212

5 Which of the statements in Exercise 2.1 do you agree with? Do you have any other wishes, regrets or hopes? Make similar statements using wish/if only and hope:

• Your first school or the place where you are studying at present
• Your first job or your current place of work, if you have left school.

Watch Out! meanings of wish

1 I wish you were here.
2 I wish you the best of luck.
3 Do you wish to make a formal complaint?

What does wish mean in each of the examples?

3) It’s time, I’d rather/I’d prefer

1 Read the following examples. What tenses and patterns can follow the underlined expressions? What time is referred to in each sentence? When can the infinitive be used after these expressions, and when is it not possible?

1 It’s high time they changed the curriculum.
2 I didn’t really want him to do that course – I’d rather he’d done something more practical.
3 I quite like my job, although I’d rather have worked somewhere where I could use my language skills.
4 I’d prefer it if you didn’t invite her.
5 I’d prefer not to come on Saturday.

 Grammar reference p. 213

2 Fill in the gaps with suitable words.
1 It’s high ………… messing about and got down to some serious work. You’ve got an exam next week!
2 ‘Do you mind if I smoke?’ ‘………… didn’t, if you don’t mind. I’ve got a horrible sore throat.’
3 I didn’t really want to live in London - ………… lived in the country.
4 ‘Are you coming to the sales conference next month?’ ‘Well, actually, ………… not to, if you can find anyone else.’

 Grammar reference p. 213

4) Use of English: Paper 3, Part 4

Complete the second sentence with three to eight words so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

1 It would have been a disaster for him to be made responsible. put
If he ………………………………………… would have been serious consequences.
2 I think it would be better to get on as fast as possible. much
I’d prefer us …………………………………………… progress as we can.
3 I wish he would learn to make his own breakfast. high
It’s …………………………………………… for himself.
4 If only I had travelled more widely when I had the chance. taken
I wish …………………………………… more widely.
5 I feel I must say how worried I am about the proposed changes. concern
I wish ……………………………………….. over the proposed changes.
6 She thinks it would be better if he discovered the answer for himself. found
She’d prefer …………………………………… for himself.
7 I’d be happier if you kept it a secret. rather
I’d …………………………………….. anyone.
8 I’d prefer to be given the chance to work with other people. allowed
I think it would be better ………………………………… a team.

Paper 4, Part 2

1) Look at the advertisement and discuss the following questions.

1 Have you ever done a puzzle like this? Was it easy or difficult?
2 What kind of mind do you think you need to be able to do this kind of puzzle?

It’s The World’s Best-Selling Puzzle

Rubik’s cube is back!
Re-launched to stretch the brain cells of a new generation, this simple-looking cube puzzle can be solved in just a few moves. That is, as long as you choose the right ones from the 43 quintillion possibilities!

2) You will hear a talk about different ways in which we think. First, read through the gapped sentences below. Can you predict any of the content of the talk?

1 The fastest mental process involves a reaction which is ¬________________ and which the speaker calls our ‘wits’.
2 The second mode is the function of the brain that things like _______________ test.
3 We know least about the slowest level because it is __________________ , and may be illogical or irrational.
4 The two girls in the science lesson wanted their teacher’s help because they _____________________
5 The girl was using her ________________ to manipulate the puzzle.
6 She was still making progress with the cube, although she appeared not to be __________________
7 When the speaker questioned her, the girl initially believed he was __________________ for playing with the cube.
8 When questioned, the girl was unaware of the _____________________ she had been using.
9 Adults who try to use their _______________________ are unable to do the puzzle.

3) Now listen and complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. You should not need more than two or three words for any answer.

4) Listen to the recording for the second time. Check and complete your sentences. Have you made any spelling errors?

1 Using ideas from the talk, decide which type of thinking is needed for each of the activities below: wits, intellect or wisdom. Discuss why.

• doing a maths problem
• writing poetry
• choosing a holiday
• driving a car
• playing the piano

2 Add three more activities to the list and discuss which type of thinking they need.

6) Discuss the following questions.

1 Does your own experience support the idea that you learn different things in different ways? Give examples.
2 Which types of skills do you think are the easiest to learn? Which are most difficult? Why?

7) Say it again
Art Proficiency level you are expected to be able to produce a wide range of structures and expressions. To help you do this, you will be given regular opportunities to practice rephrasing sentences.

The following sentences are from the Listening text. Re-express them using the framework given.

1 The theory makes a lot of sense to me.
I find ………………………… convincing.
2 She seemed to be paying very little attention.
She looked ……………………………… very little attention.
3 She explained it to the best of her ability.
She explained it as ……………………………….. could.
4 Adults have lost the knack of this way of learning.
Adults …………………………….. this way any more.

Language Focus: Vocabulary

Meaning in context

1) Use of English: Paper 3, Part 3
In Paper 3, Part 3 you have to find one word to complete three different sentences. Read the following sentences.

Secondly there’s a rather slower process, which we can ………… the intellect. (term/call)
When I ………… your name, could you please stand up? (say/call)
I need to ………… at the dry cleaner’s to collect my suit. (stop/call)

Although there are other correct possibilities for each gap, the word call can be used in all three sentences.

For questions 1-6, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.

1 He’s a nice boy and he’s very …………, but he doesn’t do much work.
A ………… light shone through the open curtains.
She likes wearing ………… colours, but her sister always wears black.

2 The colourful pictures should ………… the children’s interest.
My son will soon ………… the majority of the shares in the company.
Be careful! I don’t think that branch will ………… you.

3 She’s always on the ………… - I don’t know how she has the energy.
He’s going to start his own company, which sounds like a smart …………
Be careful. They’ll be watching your every …………

4 She ………… the tray down on a table next to his bed.
The teacher ………… the class some work to do.
The princess was given a necklace ………… with diamonds and emeralds.

5 The fog and ice meant that it was a very ………… journey.
Business is rather ………… at present but we hope it will pick up soon.
You’d better check the time – the clock might be a few minutes …………

6 She had dark ………… around her eyes from too many sleepless nights.
The thief escaped with a diamond brooch, two gold ………… and some cufflinks.
Only one of the ………… on the electric cooker is working.

2) Read the following sentences and work out the meaning of the expressions in italics. What helped you to decide?

1 You need to keep your wits about you in Paper 3 of the Proficiency exam.
2 I’ve tried everything I can think of, but I still can’t get him to agree – I’m at my wits’ end.
3 I was scared out of my wits all alone in that huge empty house.
4 To the best of my knowledge, the project’s going ahead as planned.
5 Didn’t you realize he was married to that actress? I thought it was common knowledge.
6 I’ve got that song on the brain – it’s driving me mad!
7 Can I come and pick your brains? I’m having problems with my new computer software.
8 I’ve been racking my brains trying to remember where I’ve met him before.

3) Phrasal verbs with think

Complete the following sentences with a particle or preposition from the box. Use each word once only. There are two extra words that you won’t need.

across back of on over through up

1 They’re still trying to think ………… a name for the baby.
2 When I think ………… to childhood holidays, it’s the long, lazy days on the beach that I remember.
3 I wonder how anyone could ever have thought ………… such a complicated story.
4 Why don’t you think it ………… for a while, and give me your answer in a few days?
5 You plan isn’t going to work – you haven’t thought it ………… carefully enough.

4) Take turns to interview a partner, using the following questions.

1 Have you ever been scared out of your wits in a film? What was the film/scene about?
2 What’s the most important thing you’ve ever changed your mind about? What would have happened if you hadn’t changed your mind?
3 Is there anything you’ve particularly set your mind on doing in the next few years?
4 If I ask you to name a man or woman who’s in the news at present, who springs to mind? Why?
5 Think over what you’ve done in class today. What do you think you’ve learned?

Exam Focus
Paper3, Part 2

In Paper 3, Part 2 you have to read a text with ten gaps. The stems of the missing words are given in the margin of the text. You have to decide on the correct form of the word in this context. You need to think about both the grammatical use and the exact meaning of the word required.

You may need to:

• add a suffix (e.g. confirmation). This usually depends on the part of speech required, e.g. noun, adjective, adverb or verb. But it may also be related to meaning (e.g. useless).
• add an inflection (e.g. confirmations, confirming). This gives information about singular or plural, tense, etc.
• add a prefix (e.g. unconfirmed, reconfirmations). Here you need to think about the meaning of the word in this context. The prefix may make the world negative or add other information such as repetition or location.
• Change the stem itself (e.g. affect – effect).

Here is a procedure to follow for this task.

• Read through the whole text quickly to get a general idea of what it is about.
• Complete any gaps you feel sure of.
• For the remaining gaps, the surrounding words will help you decide what part of speech is required.
• Check whether an inflection such as a plural –s or participle ending is needed.
• Think about the meaning. Does the word need a prefix?
• Finally, read the whole text again and check that it makes sense.

1) Suffixes

1 This exercise will help you to identify and classify some common suffixes. First match the following headings to the groups of suffixes 1-7.

• making adjectives from nouns
• making adjectives from verbs
• making nouns from verbs
• making nouns from adjectives
• making nouns from other nouns
• verb suffixes
• adverb suffixes

Then complete each sentence using the word given and adding the correct suffix. You may also need to add an inflected ending such as plural –s.

1 …………………………………………………
The car’s cheap as it has low ………… (mile)
I’ve lost the ………… that came with my mobile phone. (book)
In his autobiography, he describes his unhappy ………… (child)
If you would like to apply for …………, please complete this form. (member)

2 …………………………………………………
To his ………… he won the competition. (amaze)
We hire out glasses for big parties, but we ask for a deposit to cover any …………. (break)
His ………… to accompany them upset her more than she admitted. (refuse)
The press refused to divulge the names of their ………… (inform)

3 …………………………………………………
His ………… with money was legendary. (mean)
The ………… of this material makes it suitable for sportswear. (elastic)

4 …………………………………………………
I think his behaviour’s really ………… - he’s old enough to know better. (child)
Although now an old man, he was still ………… in his trust and refused to see harm in anyone. (child)
The ………… discovery of the diary led to serious problems. (accident)
She’s got quite an ………… style, but it’s rather misleading. (authority)

5 …………………………………………………
It was a very ………… incident. (regret)
He’s an ………… man. (attract)

6 …………………………………………………
You need to ………… the water in the swimming pool. (chlorine)
You don’t need to ………… your language – she’s very fluent. (simple)
The colour red in our flag ………… the blood shed in the fight for independence. (symbol)

7 …………………………………………………
In order to unscrew, turn in a ………… direction (clock)
We reckoned we were travelling more or less ………… (north)

2 Can you think of any more examples of suffixes which fit these seven categories?

3 Complete the following sentences. You will need to use two or three suffixes to make the correct form of each word.

1 The ………… of the facilities was more expensive than they had expected. (modern)
2 He unlocked the door slowly and ………… (care)
3 …………, he wasn’t hurt in the accident. (amaze)
4 The music blared out ………… from the amplifiers. (deaf)
5 His ………… and ………… make him a very strong candidate for the job. (adapt, resource)
6 The village is ………… located in a sheltered valley. (picture)

2) Prefixes

1 The sentences below do not make sense because some prefixes have been omitted. Find the words which need prefixes and choose a suitable prefix from the box for each one.

anti sub dis fore il in mis multi out over un semi

1 If you do not pay your telephone bill within the next ten days the service will be connected.
2 She was not aware of any change, but consciously she must have realized something was wrong.
3 ‘Didn’t you ask me to bring a parachute?’ ‘No, you must have heard me, I asked for a pair of shoes!’
4 The essay was totally legible and so I couldn’t give it any marks.
5 The river is flowing its banks and some streets are already flooded.
6 The leader sat with his back to a high wall and his followers sat in a circle around him.
7 Although most of the major transactions were shown, the accounts were complete.
8 He seems to enjoy himself at public functions, despite his social tendencies.

2 Now write sentences of your own for the four remaining prefixes.

3) Stems

As well as adding prefixes and suffixes, you will sometimes need to make changes to the stems themselves. Complete the table below with the appropriate form of the word.

noun verb adverb adjective
poverty (1) ………… poorly (2) …………
safety (3) ………… (4) ………… (5) …………
(6) ………… (7) ………… peaceably (8) …………
(9) ………… honour (10) ………… (11) …………
blood (12) ………… (13) ………… (14) …………

4) Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

The (0) education of girls is the surest way of (EDUCATE) reducing (1) ………… . So why are ninety million (POOR) primary school age girls not in school? It is because they contribute (2) ………… to the family (ECONOMY) by looking after younger children, or working in the fields. But these girls face a life of backbreaking work, with children who die of (3) ………… diseased, subordination to a husband (PREVENT) and his family, and an early death. And the uneducated woman transmits to her children the same doomed life. But it does not have to be like this. Educational campaigns have meant that (4) ………… is almost unknown in Southern India, (LITERATE) and the infant (5) ………… rate there is (MORTAL) (6) ………… the lowest in the developing world. (CONSEQUENCE)And in Africa and south Asia, where women do most of the farming, education is allowing them to learn how to improve (7) ………… farming (EFFICIENT) practices and at the same time is raising awareness of the (8) ………… needs of the land. (ECOLOGY) While to rural families it might seem an unavoidable (9) ………… to keep girls working (NEED) at home, it is in both the national and international interest – as well as in the interest of the girls themselves – to (10) ………… the (COME) short-term difficulties and provide these girls with the education they need.

Language Focus: Vocabulary

1) Put the words in the box into the correct column below. Some words can go in more than one column.

an exam a course a subject history lessons homework a module revision
a test notes

do take sit study pass make follow

2) Read the following text and fill in the gaps using verbs from Exercise 1. Try to use each verb at least once.

In secondary schools in England, students have to (1) ………… 10 different subjects until they are 16, and these must include English and maths. After that they specialize, and from age 16 to 18 they usually (2) ………… a maximum of four or five subjects. Sometimes timetabling problems in the school mean that not all the students are able to (3) ………… the course of their choice. In their final year they (4) ………… the final school exams, which are known as A-levels.
If students want to (5) ………… a particular subject at university, they must normally have (6) ………… the same subject, or a related one, at A-level. It’s very difficult to go to university unless you have (7) ………… you’re a-level exams with good grades. However, it is always possible to (8) ………… the exam again to get a better grade. Although in the majority of courses, students (9) ………… just one exam at the end of the course, many new courses involve modules where the student (10) ………… smaller tests and builds up credits, These are popular with students because they are less stressful.

3) The following words are sometimes confused. Underline the best word for each sentence below.

1 The format/formula of examinations in the British educational system is changing.
2 He would have preferred to study more practical/practicable subjects at school.
3 This involves a process of continuous/continual assessment done by the teacher throughout the course.
4 It has the advantage that if the student makes one mistake/fault they will not necessarily fail.
5 Instead, they can improve their grade/level in the next piece of work they do.
6 Many students like this form of testing because it is less stressful/agitating for them.

4) Now answer these questions.

1 How similar or different is the English education system to the one in your country?
2 Describe the way in which students qualify for university in your country. What is your opinion of the system?


Interactive communication

In the last part of the interview you will have to discuss a series of questions with your partner. The questions will all be on the same topic. One of the criteria you are assessed on is ‘interactive communication’. This involves being able to keep a conversation going by:

• responding to what the other speaker says e.g. ‘Yes, that’s a good point…’
• expressing your own opinion or making a new point e.g. ‘It seems to me that…’
• inviting a response from the other speaker e.g. ‘What do you think…?’

1) Read the question below and discuss some ideas with a partner.
How far do you think that formal written exams are a good way of measuring progress?

2) Now listen to two English speakers discussing the question. Which point of view do you agree with?

3) Listen again and note any useful expressions you hear under the following headings.

• Acknowledging an opinion before disagreeing
• Disagreeing
• Agreeing
• Asking for opinions

4) Read the question below and discuss your ideas with a partner.

To what extent do you agree the continuous assessment is the best way of testing students?

Paper 2, Part 1 (proposal)

For the compulsory task in Paper 2, Part 1 you may be asked to write a proposal. A proposal uses a similar format to a report, with headings, but whereas a report focuses on a past or present situation, the focus of a proposal is on making recommendations for future action of further discussion. These recommendations will form the longest and most important part of the proposal. In a Part 1 proposal you have to present, develop and evaluate different points of view. (In a Part 2 proposal you will generally focus on one point of view.)

1 Read the following writing task.

You have read the extract below, which is part of a letter sent to the local newspaper. You decide to write a proposal to put to the school authorities, making suggestions about how the curriculum and facilities could be improved.
(300-350 words)

I’ve been extremely disappointed in the way in which my son has been let down by a narrow-minded attitude towards his education. His strengths lie in practical areas, but he has to study academic subjects. Surely there is no place in the modern world for outdated subjects like history? Should they not be replaced by useful vocational training such as accountancy – and by life skills? I for one resent the time and money spent on teachers and would rather see more facilities and training for the modern world.

2 To start you thinking about the topic, interview a partner about your own school and ways in which you could improve the syllabus. Make notes under the following headings.

• Current situation and problems
• Recommendations for change with reasons
• Conclusion summarizing advantages of changes suggested

2) Read the following proposal which was written in answer to the task. Note down any ideas that are different from your own.

Proposal to up-date the school curriculum

Current situation
The school curriculum currently covers a wide range of subjects, including traditional areas such as history and Latin. Although exam results in these subjects are generally good, they cost the school a great deal in teacher salaries and provide only practical subjects such as information technology, which are vital in today’s world.

Current research indicates that educational needs are changing, and that children need to be better prepared for the modern world. So we’ve got to make drastic changes to the curriculum to take into account these needs.

Firstly I suggest that subjects such as Latin and history are a waste of time. Some people say they train the mind, developing understanding of cause and effect, but I feel that the information they provide will be useless in later life. These qualities could be more effectively developed in other ways. I therefore propose that these subjects should be dropped from the curriculum, saving money which could be diverted into other areas.

If it is felt that students need to develop more effective life skills, I propose that we should set up links with local businesses, which would give students more useful experience than pure academic study can provide.
While I do not agree that there is little need for teachers, I do feel that there is a place for developing the skills of independent study. I would like to put forward the idea of developing an area dedicated to self-study. I reckon it would be a good plan to use money saved by the reduction in the number of subjects studied to finance this.

We always have to remember that the school must maintain its reputation as one of traditional excellence while moving into the modern world. The proposals outlined above will achieve this result by providing a more up-to-date curriculum and resources which will be perceived by teachers, pupils and parents as sensible preparation for life after school. I hope that you will think about these ideas a lot.

(349 words)

3) You must use the information you are given for the task in Exercise 1 to give you ideas for your writing. Read the extract given in the task again and compare it with the proposal.

1 What ideas in the extract have been used in the proposal?
2 How do the introduction and the conclusion link to the extract?
3 What other ideas have been added by the writer in the proposal?

4) How many points has the writer made in the recommendation section of the proposal? Underline the phrases used to introduce each new point.

5) A proposal should be written in a formal style throughout. The underlined expressions used in the proposal on page 35 are too informal. Choose more formal expressions from the box below to replace them. You do not need to use all the expressions.

… these proposals will be given due consideration …… clearly pointless …
It is vital …
I therefore recommend that we should …
I propose that radical changes should be made to …

6) Read the following writing task.

You have read the extract below from a report written following an inspection of your school. Your principal has now been offered funding to address some of these problems and has asked students to provide suggestions for how the money should be spent. You decide to write a proposal responding to the points raised and expressing your views.

(300-350 words)

… student motivation throughout the institution is generally high, and there was evidence of learning taking place. However, the facilities available to both students and teachers are outdated and uninspiring. There is little for students to do outside the classroom and nothing to tempt them to stay in the building for longer than necessary. The environment is not conducive to the full learning experience which should be the benchmark of the 21st century.

1 Discuss your ideas with a partner and make noted for your proposal, using the headings in Exercise 1. Remember to use the information given in the extract.
2 Write your proposal. Remember to use a formal style and to order your points clearly using a variety of phrases.
3 Check your proposal for accuracy, style and length.

UNIT 2 review and extension

1) Complete these sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1 Since starting her degree, Molly wishes she ………… greater attention during maths lessons at school. (pay)
2 If you ………… me earlier that you haven’t got a computer, I ………… you to do those calculations. (tell) (not ask)
3 It’s high time students in this school ………… to study subjects relevant to the world of work. (begin)
4 If only my teachers ………… me running this company – they ………… totally amazed. (see) (be)

2) Complete the second sentence with three to eight words so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the world given. Do not change the word given.

1 Could you help me tackle this problem? deal
I’d be grateful ………………………………………… this problem.
2 I regret that my education has left me so ill-equipped for real life. prepared
If ………………………………………… for real life.
3 She never passed any exams, as far as I know. knowledge
To ………………………………………… no paper qualifications.
4 He’d better abandon all hope of promotion. thoughts
He should ………………………………………… promoted out of his mind.
5 What is the point of all this research? aid
What is ………………………………………… of?
6 The scriptwriter said that she’d invented the whole plot herself. thought
The scriptwriter said that she’d ………………………………………… help.
7 None of us expected to have a test yesterday. blue
Yesterday’s test ………………………………………… for us all.
8 It’s difficult for some people to express their feelings. words
Putting ………………………………………… is difficult for some people.

3) Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits the space in the same line.

When people enjoy whatever they are doing, they report some (0) characteristic feelings (CHARACTER) that distinguish the (1) ………… moment from (PLEASURE) the rest of life. The same types of feelings are reported in the context of playing chess, climbing mountains, playing with babies, reading a book or writing a poem. They are the same for young and old, male and female, American or Japanese, rich or poor. In other words, the nature of enjoyment seems to be (2) ………… . We call this state of (UNIVERSE) (3) ………… a flow experience, because many (COUNSCIOUS) people report that when what they are doing is (4) ………… enjoyable, it feels like being carried (SPECIAL) away by a current, like being in a flow.
At present, (3) ………… few students would (LAMENT) recognize the idea that learning can be like that. But if educators invested a fraction of the energy on (6) ………… the students’ enjoyment of (STIMULUS) learning that they now spend in trying to transmit information, we could achieve much better results. Once students’ (7) ………… is engaged, once they (MOTIVATE) can be (8) ………… to take control of their own (POWER) learning and provided with clear (9) ………… on (FEED) their efforts, then they are on their way to a lifetime of self-propelled (10) ………… of knowledge. (ACQUIRE)

4) This picture is being considered for the cover of a brochure advertising holiday courses for young people. Say why young people might want to go on a holiday course and decide if this is a suitable picture for the cover of the brochure or not.

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